Braga, Bucharest, Ghent and Kosice meet online to present the results of Youth 4 Bauhaus
The multiplier event "Sharing best practices and results" will bring together the cities of Braga, Bucharest (Romania), Ghent (Belgium) and Kosice (Slovakia) in an online conference to present the results of the project Youth 4 Bauhaus, on December 6.

Youth 4 Bauhaus is a project funded by the Erasmus+ program and based on the New European Bauhaus (NEB), an initiative launched by the European Commission. During this project, 80 students and nine teachers, including young people with mobility impairments, deafness and autism spectrum disorders, from the cities of Braga, Bucharest (Romania), Ghent (Belgium) and Kosice (Slovakia), were challenged to think about and debate urban, environmental, political, social and cultural issues, analyzing different ways of using urban public space in a sustainable, green and inclusive way.
The results of the project will be presented on December 6, during the online session "Sharing best practices and results". This multiplier event will bring together members of the four partner countries in an session that will follow the following program of activities:
- Welcome words by Braga Media Arts
- A quick dive into Youth 4 Bauhaus project and it's outputs (available here) by the coordinator of the project
- Exploring connections: Erasmus +, NEB and the pathways to dialogue
- NEB: a platform for participation and dialogue - insights from Diego Souza from NEB goes South project
- Methodology and Inclusive Guide Unveiled: Presenting Our Main Results
- Shared Learnings: Reflections on the Journey So Far by CollectiveUP
- Youth Co-Creation Expeditions: Amplifying the Voices of the Young
- Keynote by Christoph Wagner and Wenke Schladitz, Berlin: “Queer Housing Projects in Berlin: Creating Inclusive Spaces"
- Engage and Inquire: Q&A Session and Farewell Words
Join us in this session, and get to know the perspectives of students and teachers from the partner cities, by registering in the form available here.