Open Call: RESHAPE 2019
Through the RESHAPE project, Artemrede has launched a call for artists and cultural agents to create working groups for innovation in the artistic sector. The call is open until January 31.

The goal of this initiative is to identify alternative models of cooperation in the artistic sector, as well as innovative methods of public development. The project intends to select and gather these professionals in an experimental process that allows the development of these innovative practices and encourages the transformation of the entire artistic ecosystem.
The profound transformations of today's societies are influencing the way the arts are created, presented and consumed. RESHAPE partners believe that arts professionals are experts in innovation and, as such, they should be inventing future models for the sector.
Several innovative projects and structures emerge across the European continent and the southern Mediterranean; experience new strategies of public involvement and intersection with other social sectors. These often fragile and disconnected initiatives are, however, indicative of possible future models.
RESHAPE is looking for these projects to give them the space and time to be developed in a transnational context. RESHAPE intends to (re)imagine new models of organization of the arts sector.
Get to know the work groups and learn how to participate in the ARTEMREDE website.
Click here to read more about the RESHAPE project and the call.