Open Call: UNESCO International Academy
We are pleased to inform you that the call for applications is open to participate in the 4th international workshop of the Academy on UNESCO Designations and Sustainable Development. The workshop will take place from 11 to 16 October 2018 in different venues, in Turin and Milan (Italy).

The International Academy on UNESCO Designations and Sustainable Development is a capacity building program ideated and implemented by theFondazione Santagata for the Economics of Culture and UNESCO through the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (based in Venice, Italy), in cooperation with the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development and Territory Management at the University of Turin and IULM Innovation Lab (Milan).
The main objective of the Academy is to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals, through the advancement of institutional and professional capacities of managing authorities, communities and relevant operators from different UNESCO designations from both the Culture and Science sectors.
In accordance with the overall spirit of the Academy, the main aim of this year’s workshop is to contribute to advancing professional and institutional capacities of managing authorities, communities and relevant practitioners from UNESCO designations on the selected topic, in order to increase the benefits for the local communities and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The workshop is aimed primarily at local government agencies and other relevant institutional actors responsible for single or multiple UNESCO designations, here intended as including: World Heritage properties, Biosphere Reserves, UNESCO Creative Cities, UNESCO Global Geoparks, and elements inscribed in the UNESCO Lists and Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Other practitioners such as professionals in local development agencies, independent experts, scholars/researchers, staff from international organizations or NGOs are also eligible to apply.
The workshop will focus on UNESCO Designations and their role in addressing Sustainable Development Goals, with specific reference to the 2030 Agenda.
Specific topics addressed in the 2018 edition will be:
1. Integrated management models for cultural and natural resources
2. The role of creativity and innovation in community based development
3. Tools and practices to facilitate the management and development of sustainable tourism
Special attention will be paid to "multiple designated areas", in order to analyze the potentialities, challenges and possible experiences related to the coordination between different designations.
A limited amount of scholarships is available to cover participation costs. Priority in the award of scholarships will be given to applicants from Member States in the geographical scope the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture.
Detailed information is available at
The contact person for the workshop at UNESCO is Mr. Matteo Rosati, Officer-in-Charge, Culture Unit, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (