About art, technology and science
The trinomial art, technology and science was the starting point for Construção de um index # 1, an event that took place last weekend at gnration and which brought artists, teachers, curators, scientists and filmmakers to Braga.

Lead by the artist and curator Fernando José Pereira, the first session, attended by about 80 people, brought together scientist from INL Jana Nieder, curator João Ribas and german artist Marcel Weber, who also inaugurated a new work. This first conversation allowed us to cross points of view and reflect on how different contexts may or may not converge. And this relationship between art, science and technology is evident in the work of Marcel Weber, also known as MFO. The german artist opened The Invention Of Sense, an installation included in the collaborative program on art and nanotechnology “Scale Travels”.
The designer and musician Miguel Carvalhais started Roundtable # 2: "The error in the context of technological and creative processes", which was attended by artist Elie Blanchard, filmmaker Salomé Lamas and the artistic director of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Karin Ohlenschläger. The opening of Index was marked by an episode in which a technological error prevented the performance of a show and it was this same error that served as a starting point for the discussion.
Closing Construção de um index # 1, gnration brought together close to 120 people to watch the audio visual performance "Membrane" by the Canadian duo Push1Stop and Wiklow.
After having witnessed the birth of the index in 2019, the first international event focused on the relationship between art and technology, this year Braga received a set of sessions, an initiative that will bridge the first edition of the index - Media Arts Biennial, to take place in 2021.