In a society where technology is imbued in the simplest daily tasks, trying to separate media arts from other artistic domains may be, as the theorist and artist Lev Manovich puts it, too reductive. Technology and artistic creation are today two sides of the same coin.

But has it always been this way? How did the media arts come about? And where is the borderline drawn between what does or doesn't fit in this artistic domain?

The term media arts has served as a hat to several subcategories - such as sound art, bio-art, digital art, or virtual reality, among others - which often expand beyond its understanding.

Divided into four modules, the Free Course in History of Media Arts proposes a broad view of this concept, providing a historical contextualization of the emergence of new languages until the adoption of today's hybrid expressions.

    Circuito - Serviço Educativo Braga Media Arts

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      Circuito - Serviço Educativo Braga Media Arts

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      07 Nov | Module 1 - Media Arts, thought and action 

      The relationship of technologies and techniques with the processes of artistic creation in the construction of human knowledge.


      14 Nov | Module 2 - History of Media Arts I 

      The performative and the experimentalism. From the first vanguards to the events EAT - Experiments on Art and Technology.


      21 Nov | Module 3 - History of Media Arts II

      The artistic practices and theoretical formulations of artistic medialities in relation to the body and the living: from the notions of technologically expanded bodies to living art (bioart).


      28 Nov | Module 4 - Media, Multimedia, Hypermedia, Moist Media, New Media and Intermedia

      New forms of artistic expression and computation.


      Notes on the Free Course in History of Media Arts

      In Modules 1 and 4 an approach is taken that sheds light on the qualities of the media that artists have been using in the materialization of their works. The participants will be familiarized with a diversity of themes that range from the development of language as a medium to the new hybrid expressions that are not limited to conventional genres such as sound installation, video installation, interactive installation, and performance, among others.

      In Modules 2 and 3 we will start from concrete examples that in the history of art, literature and theory have created and thought formulations and articulations of the media arts with the so-called performative, using experimentation as method and artistic practice in a wide field of technical and conceptual resources.


      Trainers André Rangel and Verónica Metello

      Target audience interested in media arts and contemporary art history and theory, regardless of their studies or professional paths

      Duration 2h

      Note The course is composed of four modules that may be attended independently. The training will take place online, through the Zoom platform. Closer to the dates of each of the modules, the access links will be sent to each of the participants


      André Rangel 

      Intermedia artist and designer, André Rangel is the founder and director of the studio. He is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto; integrated researcher at i2ADS - Research Institute in Art, Design and Society; PhD in Science and Technology of Arts, Master in Digital Arts and a degree in Communication Design; Cofounder and co-organizer of xCoAx - International Conference in Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X.

      Verónica Metello 

      Art historian and curator specialized in performance art and experimentalism. D. in Philosophy from the University of Coimbra, MA in Contemporary Art History from the New University of Lisbon, and BA in Art History from the same university. Verónica has taught in some post-graduate and masters courses and collaborated with the Direção Geral das Artes.

      She has curated and integrated exhibition projects, programming and documentation of performance art in Portugal and abroad.