Drawing is a primary form of expression. Children use it to represent their world and their emotions. As an artistic language, drawing has the ability to transport us to imaginary worlds or to document the real.

    Circuito - Serviço Educativo Braga Media Arts
    Free admission
      Circuito - Serviço Educativo Braga Media Arts
      Free admission

      The School of Unconventional Drawing challenges children (especially adults) to forget everything we think we know about (good) drawing. Through the intersection with botany, the goal is to create an illustrated field diary, answering challenges about looking, listening, and feeling.

      For the 10th anniversary of gnration, the School of Unconventional Drawing proposes a format of experimentation station, where participants can join at any time and stay in the activity as long as they wish. Using the relationship between drawing, sound, and botany, we will explore materials and different ways of making a drawing.

      Mediator: Miguel Ângelo Marques

      Target group: children aged 3 years old and up, accompanied by an adult

      Duration: the activity runs permanently, with the possibility of starting or finishing at any time within the available schedule

      Schedule: 10:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:00