BMA lab: Januário Jano - The Sacred Bag (Online Masterclass)
Circuito - Braga Media Arts Educational Service
- #advanced circuit
Formation of introduction, history and uses of the synthesizer, in particular of its architecture and models. A look at the analog, digital and virtual solutions available in musical synthesis, as well as their common foundations and their distinct characteristics. The trainee may bring his / her personal synthesizer, but online and DAW solutions will also be covered.
Author: Pedro Augusto
Target: artists, programmers, teachers and other professionals interested in the media arts.
Duration: 12h
Note: participants can take a personal synthesizer: analog, digital, modular or semi-modular.
Author: Pedro Augusto
Target: artists, programmers, teachers and other professionals interested in the media arts.
Duration: 12h
Note: participants can take a personal synthesizer: analog, digital, modular or semi-modular.
Pedro Augusto
Pedro Augsuto works as an artist and music composer for Dance, Theater, Performance, and Cinema. He has a vast editorial background and has been a musician/producer in several albums of Portuguese music in the last decade. He is responsible for Found Tapes Porto and Live Low musical project. He is a freelance trainer in the areas of mixing, mastering, and sound synthesis.