Every place holds stories. In Maximinos, precisely where its borders merge with those of the neighbouring parishes of Sé and Cividade, there is a place where the memories of a Braga that no longer exists (or is it two?) and another that is yet to be cohabit. A place that has been written and rewritten as many times as the countless changes that have redesigned the city's toponymy. This AcustiCidade is about that place.
AcustiCidade is a sound project promoted by Circuito - Serviço Educativo Braga Media Arts that aims to rethink Braga through its sound. After the duos Space Transcribers and Pedro Augusto, ondamarela and Pedro Lima, João Catalão (Coletivo Pessoal) and Rita Sampaio, in this fourth edition we will be guided by the perspectives, words and sounds of the artists Marta Moreira and Pedro Sousa, based on a collection and investigation of the neighbouring places of Maximinos, Sé and Cividade.
Discover Braga at AcustiCidade on
Public presentation
30 Nov | Starting point: Centro Comercial Galécia

Public presentation
30 Nov | Starting point: Centro Comercial Galécia
Maximinos, Sé e Cividade
Public presentation 30 Nov | sáb 5:30 p.m.
Starting point Centro Comercial Galécia
Guest artists Marta Moreira e Pedro Sousa
Support Portuguese Republic - Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts. RTCP - Network of Portuguese Theatres and Cinemas
Marta Moreira
Marta Moreira, a multidisciplinary artist and specialized art teacher, works regularly in the areas of programming, cultural mediation and artistic creation, crossing the areas of music, performance and literature.
Pedro Sousa
Pedro Sousa, also known by his alter-ego Cody XV, is a multidisciplinary artist who covers the visual, sound and conceptual areas, dedicating himself to exploring innovative dimensions at the intersection of art and technology.
Ficha técnica
Graphic design United By
Website Paulo Doellinger
Photography Lais Pereira
Artistic conception, coordination, research and text Marta Moreira
Sound design and editing Pedro Sousa
Narration and interpretation Marta Moreira
Narration recording José Caldas
Testimonials Isabella Crua (Isabella Maia), Mocca (João Martins), Tiago Patife, Carla Gonçalves, Fil Oliveira, Joaquim Martins & Filho, Associação Cultural e Recreativa "Os Bravos da Boa Luz" (José Silva), Tomé Capa, Vânia Silva, Graça Freitas, Thatiana Veronez
Acknowledgements Todas as pessoas que participaram e deram os seus testemunhos, União de Freguesias de Maximinos, Sé e Cividade, Dr. Luís Pedroso, António Ferreira, RUM, Biblioteca Lúcio Craveiro da Silva