RoadShow 2019
Following the success of the RoadShow in 2018, six groups of the Masters in Multimedia from the University of Porto return to Braga for a series of facilities in the Sá de Miranda and Carlos Amarante Secondary Schools.

The RoadShow returns in 2019 for another tour through the Braga Schools. Six interactive installations organized and designed by the students of the Multimedia Masters from the Faculty of Engineering University of Porto (FEUP), will be exhibited at Sá de Miranda and Carlos Amarante Secondary Schools. An action that aims to bring school audiences to the digital arts, multimedia and new media, within the perspective of older students under the curricular unit, "Digital Interactive Systems".
Sá de Miranda Secondary School
> Group 1: Raindrop
> Group 2: Bioframe
> Group 3: Playmojil
Escola Secundária Carlos Amarante Secondary School
> Group 4: To Another World
> Group 5: Jam With Me
> Group 6: Caixa Mágica