OPEN CALL: Advanced Training Course in Film and Television Directing
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the School of Arts of the Catholic University of Porto are promoting an Advanced Training Course in Film and Television Directing, which will take place in an artistic residency format in Porto.

The course combines profiles and processes of contemporary cinema and television show running, where participants will develop an original project between the two areas over 15 weeks, with the accompaniment of internationally renowned directors and professionals.
The training is free and has 8 places for professionals or artists looking to develop advanced directing skills between film and television. In the end, the trainees will direct a short film or a pilot episode of a TV series. The training will take place between September 2022 and February 2023.
Portuguese or foreign artists living and working in Portugal may apply. Applications are open until April 26.
Regulations and more information are available here.