OPEN CALL: CORDÃO - the new community choir that connects oncological experiences
Faz Cultura - Braga Municipal Culture Company has created CORDÃO - Choir of Oncology Patients and Friends, a community project for people diagnosed with cancer, in treatment or remission, and their carers.
Registration is now open by email at or in person at the Theatro Circo and gnration counters.

Figuratively, a cord is something that binds. To materialize this perspective of unity, Faz Cultura - Braga Municipal Culture Company created CORDÃO - Choir of Oncology Patients and Friends. This project is supported by the PARTIS & Art for Change programme, an initiative of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the ‘la Caixa’ Foundation, which also has the support of the Braga Local Health Unit and the Portuguese League Against Cancer - Braga Delegation.
CORDÃO is a community choir made up of people diagnosed with cancer, in treatment or remission, and their carers. By linking experiences and stories, the initiative aims to combat the social isolation of cancer patients and their carers, connecting people and sewing together new ways of living and looking at cancer and art.
CORDÃO is currently looking for participants from Braga (PT). Those interested should be over 18 years old, and no singing practice or musical training is required - just the desire to participate and no medical contraindications. In these meetings/rehearsals, we will develop collaborative creation exercises, either through the choice or development of repertoire based on creative writing processes or through musical composition exercises. These dynamics aim to transform the experience of cancer, often marked by loneliness, into moments of sharing, connection, and artistic expression.
The project recognizes the emotional challenges faced by both patients and carers, from the impact of the diagnosis to the end of treatment, often followed by feelings of uncertainty and abandonment. CORDÃO thus emerges as a safe space to rebuild bonds and find mutual support.
Meetings are held weekly (on Tuesdays), and participants can start at any time of the project. Applications can be made by email at, or in person at the Theatro Circo and gnration counters.